Mostly, I want a bunch of words combined in a way to make me laugh -- especially at myself -- or ironically, or in gleeful shame. Even better if they remind me of one of my characters, which means they kind of remind me of myself since I created that character out of MY head!
If you've read any of my books you know I have a wry sense of humor. Where I grew up in California there were many, many smart people with smart kids. You had to hold your own in a conversation and keep those quips and yes, sarcasm, coming. But you had to be able to take it as well as dish it out.
I'd like to share some of the random words thrown together by strange people that describe me or my characters.
"Ha ha ha," she laughs, the edge in her tone like a sharp knife...
Please, please send me some of your relatable quotes! I want to know! Show me!
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I leave you with this. Don’t give up. Keep trying. You. Me, all of us, we matter! Laugh!